Te Rito

Te Rito Course Five: Identity
Welcome to Courses Five to Seven of Kia Māia's Te Rito Bicultural Competency E-Learning Modules. These new courses are designed to take learners to the next level after completing Te Rito Courses 1-4.
There are ten short modules in each course of Courses Five to Seven of Te Rito. As with the previous fourteen modules, they can be accessed via a workplace learning management system or through our own online LMS, providing the ability to track user progress so learning can be seen, measured and acknowledged.

These new modules provide the popular cumulative glossary, pronunciation features, conversations about challenging subjects and practical tools utilised in Courses 1-4. They differ slightly from the first four courses however. In keeping with recent e-learning research findings, we have shifted towards shorter, more interactive story-telling modules, also adding a myriad of carefully curated links and suggestions for further investigation. Each module contains key writings and ideas from experts in these topics, voiced by them especially for this kaupapa.

Each module contains a variety of new information and perspectives, delivered by approachable guides in an updated aesthetic, designed to stimulate thought and broaden learners' experience in ways they can act on.

We've added a more personal, reflective style of assessment. At critical moments along the way, learners are encouraged to look inwards at their own reactions and perceptions in a series of 'Reflections' sections.

These Reflections are often followed by 'Wero' sections, where learners are invited to take practical steps to embed their learning.

We recognise that some of this material is challenging and sensitive. We've prioritised making sure learners are supported and respected throughout their learning. Online workbooks are provided to record this reflection and corresponding action. These can be downloaded and used in kanohi ki te kanohi (face to face) facilitated group discussions.

Wānanga guides are provided to help facilitators hold group sessions to check in on learner reactions and brainstorm ways to change and improve daily practice.

Topics covered in Courses Five to Seven include identity, connection with Te Tiriti, each other and the land, the language of colonisation, inherited social 'norms', decolonisation, re-indigenisation, and the effect of our suppressed histories on our nation - culturally, spiritually and economically, bias, prejudice and discrimination, interpersonal and institutional racism, types of defensiveness and how to counter them, privilege, equity issues, cultural appropriation, tokenism, restoration, power-sharing, working as allies and our shared future. Contact us for a detailed list of the contents of each module, or a closer look at the modules themselves. They are available for license to any organisations wanting to up-skill and prepare their workforce to create a more equitable future.
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