Using Te Rito to Help with Whāinga Amorangi Reporting
Empowering People: Using your Te Rito results as part of your Annual Reporting “Te Rito is gold for me to be able to report. I would like other government agencies to also see the beauty and ease of what we have to report, to see how this makes our lives easier.” –...
Launch of 30 New Te Rito Modules
Kia Māia Bicultural Communications are very pleased to announce we have finally finished our new series of Te Rito e-learning modules. These three new courses, Identity, Decolonisation and Our Future, are designed to build on Courses 1-4 of Te Rito and guide our...
Obtaining Greatest Value from Bicultural Training Modules
Ngā mihi o te wā Ngāhuru nei! Welcome to Ngāhuru, the season of autumn. Ngāhuru is an ancient word for ten, and Autumn begins in the tenth month of the Māori calendar year, March or Poutū-te-rangi[1]. We’ve been very busy over the past year working with organisations...
Aotearoa: Multicultural or Bicultural?
For years we’ve been hearing the claim that New Zealand is multicultural, not bicultural. It’s an interesting issue, and may arise during bicultural training, so here are a few words on the topic from a Kia Māia standpoint. The “we’re multicultural not bicultural”...
New Website
Thanks to Andy Karl at Translating Tech, we have a great new website to showcase our exciting Te Rito Bicultural Competency E-Learning Modules. These modules are a spin-off from the original Te Rito, which has been supporting New Zealanders in their...